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Lilium (Lily), with their beautiful flowers and enchanting scent, has more than 100 different species. The number of cultivars runs into the thousands. From the forests of Europe to the landscapes of Central and South Asia, the Philippines and North America, Liliums find their home in many places.
These flowers, infused with a wonderful scent, are not just any flowers; they are the symbol of purity and innocence. It is no wonder that they are rightly elevated to the 'beauty queens' among garden plants.
Liliums, with their roots deep in the history of the plant world, are among the oldest known plants.
We would like to tell you more about Lilium (Lily) from our range.
Active filters
Lilium 'Beijing Moon'
Lilium 'Black Beauty'
Lilium 'Eastern Moon'
Lilium 'Elusive'
Lilium 'Fusion'
Lilium 'Lady Alice'
Lilium 'Miss Feya'
Lilium 'Mister Cas'
Lilium 'Must See'
Lilium 'Passion Moon'
Lilium 'Red Flash'
Lilium 'Scheherazade'
Lilium 'Stargazer'
Lilium 'Tiger Babies'
Available to order from July 2025
Lilium 'Tintoretto'
Lilium henryii
Lilium lancifolium
Lilium leichtlinii
Lilium martagon 'Alberta Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Albi Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Arabian Knight'
Lilium martagon 'Candy Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Claude Shride'
Lilium martagon 'Fairy Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Golden Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Guinea Gold'
Lilium martagon 'Honey Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Peppard Gold'
Lilium martagon 'Pink Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Purple Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Snowy Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Sunny Morning'
Lilium martagon 'Terrace City'
Lilium nepalense
Lilium regale
Lilium regale 'Album'
Lilium speciosum var. rubrum 'Uchida'
The diversity of Lilium
Liliums are available in many different varieties. From the Asiatic lilies with their striking colors to the elegant trumpet lilies with tubular flowers, each variety adds something special to gardens and bouquets. We highlight a few:
1. Lilium 'Eastern Moon': The Lilium 'Eastern Moon' is known for its enchanting, moon-like flowers. With creamy white petals that gently curve outward, this lily gives a feeling of serenity. The flowers often have a light scent, which makes them look unattractive, but also adds a subtle perfume to the garden.
2. Lilium 'Red Velvet': The 'Red Velvet' is a lily with deep, velvety red petals. The intense color of this lily immediately attracts attention and adds a fiery element to any garden.
3. Lilium 'Guinea Gold': The Lilium 'Guinea Gold' is a beautiful lily with warm, golden petals that radiate a radiant glow. This species adds a sunny atmosphere to gardens and borders. The flowers of 'Guinea Gold' are often subtly scented and attract the attention not only of people, but also of pollinating insects.
View all our Liliums in the webshop.
Care of the Liliums
Growing and caring for lilies requires attention to detail and care, but with the right steps you can enjoy beautiful blooms in your garden. Here are some helpful tips for growing and caring for lilies:
1. Select the right location: Lilies thrive in well-drained soil and need at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.
2. Planting Time and Depth: Plant lily bulbs in the fall for early spring or summer blooms. Dig a hole two to three times deeper than the height of the bulb and place the bulb with the point up.
3. Watering: Water the lilies regularly, especially during dry periods. Avoid allowing the soil to be constantly soaked, as lily bulbs are susceptible to rot in damp conditions.
4. Stem Support: Use plant supports to support the long, slender stems of lilies, especially if they bear heavy blooms.
5. Wintering: Cover the lily beds with a layer of mulch to protect the bulbs from severe frost.
Would you like more care tips? Or more information about our different types of Liliums (Lilies)? Contact us without obligation by calling or emailing us.