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Organic seeds

Organic seeds from seed farm DE BOLSTER.

DE BOLSTER produces organic and biodynamic seeds. These seeds are propagated at its own farm in Epe, but also in cooperation with several certified external growers. This ensures visibility of own productions and they know exactly where the seeds come from. They produce seeds of vegetables, herbs, flowers, green manures and sprouts. Besides the so-called seed multiplication, they also invest in developing new varieties.

Seed origin:

That the seeds are produced organically automatically implies that all these seeds on offer are GMO-free (free of genetic modification). GMO involves artificial interference with DNA, something DE BOLSTER certainly does not want. By controlling their own productions, they know exactly where the seeds come from and can guarantee quality.

What is organic?

There are a number of strict requirements that DE BOLSTER must meet to keep their organic label. For example, no artificial fertilisers and no pesticides may be used during the production of the seeds. Instead, natural manure is used over the fields and natural enemies are used against aphids, for example. Organic farms are inspected by the independent institute Skal Biocontrole, which ensures that productions meet strict organic standards. Companies are then issued the organic certificate.


All DE BOLSTER seeds carry the EKO label, which means they are organically produced. In addition, with some products you will also find the DEMETER logo, which means that those seeds come from a biodynamic company. These companies go beyond the European legislation for organic farming, marked by the previously mentioned EKO quality mark for organic farming. 

Organic seeds

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Akkerbloemenmengsel -zaden-
This field flowers mixture includes buckwheat, crimson clover, phacelia, white mustard, blue lupine and marigold. These various plants can be sown thinly in April and May. 3 grams (for 10 m2).
Alcea rosea, Stokroos, gemengd -zaden-
Hollyhock produces single flowers in a range of colors. This upright plant has robust stems and needs shelter or support. The flowering period is from July to September.
Andijvie, Cichorium endiva 'Nummer vijf 2' -zaden-
Endive 'Batavian Broad Leaved' is the most popular and most grown endive variety. This variety has a nice and well-filled heart of the plant. The leaves are broad and have a soft taste. It is very well suited for stews. Note that sowing in early...
Argemone polyanthemos, Stekelpapaver -zaden-
The beautiful Crested Prickly Poppy is a really attractive to bees and butterflies. This unusal plant has prickly, blue-green leaves and bears large white flowers.
Aubergine, Solanum melongena 'Violetta Lunga 3' -zaden-
Eggplant Violetta Lunga 3 is a quite early variety with relative slender, deep purple fruits with a green handle. Be careful with the thorns. This eggplant is most suited for growing in a greenhouse. Tip: make the plants sprout on moist paper...
Basilicum 'Dark Opal' -zaden-
Red basil is an annual herb with a nice, strong smell. This variety is deep purple with medium sized leaves. Basil prefers a spot with shelter. Pick the leaves for direct use and for drying. When cutting, always make sure to cut above the first...
Basilicum, Ocimum basilicum 'Genovese' -zaden-
Basil Genovese is an annual herb with medium-sized leaves. The herb has a strong smell and does not become very high. The herb does not bolter early and prefers shelter. This variety is very well suited for pesto. When cutting, always make sure to...
Basilicum, Ocimum basilicum 'Thais' -zaden-
Thai Basil has deep purple stems and lovely pink-lilac flowers. It tastes sweet with a hint of aniseed. This basil can be dried or eaten fresh.
Bieslook fijn, Allium schoenoprasum -zaden-
Chives are a perennial herb and need cold to germinate. The best temperatures to sow chives are between 15 and 20 degrees Celcius. This variety shows regrowth after cutting.
Bladmosterd, Brassica juncea 'Purple Frills' -zaden-
Leaf mustard ‘Purple Frills’ has finely incised leaves with a beautiful deep purple colour and a spicy flavour. Can be eaten both in young and mature stages. Sow: from March to October. Sow thinly directly 25 cm apart. Harvest: from...
Bladmosterd, Brassica juncea var. rugosa 'Golden Frills' -zaden-
Golden Frills is a mustard variety with fine incised, fresh green leaves and a spicy taste. Mustard leaf has been grown and eaten in the Himalaya region in India for over 5000 years. Also in many other countries is leaf mustard a part of the daily...
Bleekselderij 'Mambo F1', Apium graveolens -zaden-
Celery 'Mambo F1' is suitable for cultivating throughout the growing season. The variety has medium-length stems and is very resilient to bolting. 'Mambo F1' has been developed for professional growers. The great advantage of this variety is its...
Bloemenmengsel 'Elegance' -zaden-
‘Elegance’ lives up to its name: this flower mixture contains varieties with small flowers and a fine leaf structure. Pure elegance that is perfect for flower meadows and flower strips in public green spaces. The plants help ensure a rich insect...
Bloemenmengsel Hoog -zaden-
Flower Mixture (high) contains predominantly seeds for sturdy annuals reaching a height of about 100 cm. This mixture may be thinly sown and contains seeds for plants such as Prince's Feather, sunflower, Safflower, Common Mallow and Opium Poppy.
Bloemenmengsel Laag -zaden-
Flower Mixture Low contains a varied mixture of annuals including Cow Herb, Dwarf Lupine, Annual Clary Sage and common poppy. These plants reach a height of approximately 30 cm.
Bloemenmengsel Middelhoog -zaden-
Flower Mixture Medium-High is very varied. It contains annual varieties such as Cow Herb, Dwarf Lupine, Moldavian Dragonhead and Californian Poppy. These plants reach a height of approximately 60 cm.
Bloemenmengsel Tübingermengsel -zaden-
Tübingen Flowers (mixture) is a proven mix for attracting bees and butterflies and is suitable for gardens or field margins. This mixture contains seeds from both non-indigenous and cultivated plants: Phacelia, Buckwheat, White Mustard, Coriander,...
Bloemkool Flora Blanca, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis -zaden-
Cauliflower Flora Blanca is an old Dutch variety. It is one of the few varieties that do not produce a yellowish head, but a beautiful white one. Flora Blanca is most suited for autumn cultivation as this is easier compared to cultivation in...
Boerenkool 'Darkibor F1' -zaden-
Curly kale receives a lot of attention as a superfood. 'Darkibor F1' is a highly productive variety that is suitable for autumn cultivation. The dark green, tightly curled leaves have good resilience to yellowing. The plants grow to 45-90 cm high....
Boerenkool Roter Grunkohl, Brassica oleracea var. laciniata -zaden-
The leaves of curly kale 'Roter Grünkohl' turn deeper purple as the nights become colder. This variety is quite frost-tolerant and is also suitable as a baby leaf. Sow outdoors in May.
Boerenkool, Brassica oleracea var. laciniata 'Westlandse Winter' -zaden-
Certificering: Demeter. Van alle koolsoorten is de boerenkool Westlandse Winter het gemakkelijkst te telen en het meest winterhard. Wel voor een goede bemesting zorgen. Zaaien in mei-juni op zaaibed en na ca. 6 weken overplanten op 65 x 50 cm. 1...
Bolderik, Agrostemma githago -zaden-
Corncockle was traditionally found in corn fields. Corncockle is a tall, wispy plant that produces large, deep pink flowers fading to a white center. The seeds are poisonous. Sow in April or autumn.
Bonenkruid, Satureja hortensis -zaden-
Bonenkruid is een eenjarig, laagblijvend struikvormig gewas. De blaadjes en jonge scheuten worden geoogst tegen de bloei aan en hebben een licht pittige smaak. Zaaien in mei-juni op rijtjes, afstand 20x20 cm. Hoogte 40 cm. Geschikt om te drogen.
Bosui, Allium cepa 'White Lisbon' -zaden-
Onion (spring) White Lisbon develops a medium-long, white shaft and forms a small sphere. The leafage is light green and stands nicely upright. Sow the scallions close to each other, so that they stay fine. The onions can be harvested when they...
Broccoli 'Covina F1', Brassica oleracea -zaden-
Broccoli 'Covina F1' has a nice, round shape with tight heads with fine to medium fine buds. It is a reliable variety that is suitable for summer and early autumn cultivation and withstands sudden changes in the weather well. Sow from March to May.
Broccoli, Brassica oleracea 'Belstar F1' -zaden-
Broccoli 'Belstar F1' matures early and is resistant to secondary growth. It is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation and produces compact, high yielding plants. Ready for harvesting after 120-150 days. These seeds have a certified organic...
Broccoli, Scheutjesbroccoli, Brassica oleracea 'Santee F1' -zaden-
'Santee F1' is een compacte, paarskleurige scheutjesbroccoli, ook wel aspergebroccoli genoemd. Zoals de naam aangeeft, heeft dit ras geen vaste kop, maar losse en super malse scheuten die zowel rauw als kort gekookt heerlijk smaken! Behalve de...
Calendula officinalis, Goudsbloem -zaden-
Marigold has singular, orange flowers with a dark heart. These flowers are easy to cultivate and serve as an ornamental plant. It is used for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes. Marigold flowers can serve as ornament in dishes and it can be...
Capucijner Blauwschokkers, Pisum sativum -zaden-
Purple field pea Blauwschokkers is a firm crop and a dwarf type. Both the flowers and legumes are purple. Suited for fresh use and conservation. Field peas are comparable to green peas, which means that only the seeds are consumable. Best is to...
Centaurea cyanus, Korenbloem -zaden-
Cornflower blue is an old-field herb with blue flowers and is, unfortunately, not so common in wheatfields anymore. The cornflower is suited as cut flower and for drying. The plant is not suitable to replant. Cornflowers need support. Furthermore,...
Cherry-pruimtomaat Solanum lycopersicum 'Bolstar Baloe F1' -zaden-
Deliciously sweet cherry-plum tomato, ideal for summer production in polytunnels and unheated greenhouses. ‘Bolstar Baloe’ produces both single and double trusses, with a beautiful herringbone pattern. The flavoursome fruits weigh about 21 gm....
Cherrytomaat 'Bronzy', Solanum lycopersicum -zaden-
Cherry Tomato 'Bronzy' produces juicy fruits that turn a distinctive, beautiful brown colour. This open-pollinated variety is resistant to mildew and can be grown in the greenhouse or outdoors. Space plants 90x50 cm apart.
Cosmea, oranje, Cosmos sulphureus -zaden-
The foliage of Sulfur Cosmos is slightly larger. As the name suggests, the semi-double flowers have a bright orange-red color. This plant is sensitive to frost.
Cosmos bipinnatus, Cosmea gemengd -zaden-
Mixed Cosmos is a firm plant with fine, pinnate leaves and beautiful big flowers, varying in colour from white to dark pink. The flowers are suited as cut flower. Cosmos keeps blossoming when you pick regularly. The flowers are annual and not...
Courgette, Bolcourgette 'Ola Redonda' -zaden-
As the name suggests, round courgette ‘Ola Redonda’ is a courgette with round, light-green fruits with white speckles. Harvest daily for a constant supply of new courgettes. The fruits will then weigh 150-300 g and are ideal for stuffing. They can...
Courgette, Cucurbita pepo 'Black Beauty' -zaden-
Summer squash Black Beauty is a dark green variety that will grow on every well-fertilized soil. Do not make the ground too wet after sowing. Planting is possible when three leaves are visible. Pick the young fruits when they are about 15-20...
Courgette, Curcubita pepo 'Ola Gabriella F1' -zaden-
Productive yellow courgette with a mild, sweet taste. This plant has a parthenocarpic habit so the fruits set early in the season without the presence of male flowers. Because of the continual development of the fruits, they can stay rather longer...
Dianthus barbatus, Duizendschoon -zaden-
Sweet William is a very good cut flower with densely clustered heads of flowers. This old-fashioned, robust plant flowers in a host of color combinations of white, pink, red and purple.
Dille, Anethum graveolens -zaden-
Dill is an annual, delicious smelling herb. The seeds are often used for making sauerkraut and pickles. Fresh parts of the plant and unripe flowers can be used in for instance fish dishes. To reduce trouble caused by greenflies, sowing it widely...
Dipsacus fullonum, Grote kaardebol -zaden-
Wild Teasel is a robust, prickly plant. Its lilac flowers appear in a wreath around its flower head. A good plant for producing dried flowers. Attracts bees and butterflies.
Echinacea purpurea, Rode zonnehoed -zaden-
Purple coneflower has large purplish-red petals surrounding a domed center. It is suitable as a cut flower and besides having medicinal properties, it is also very attractive.
Echium vulgare, Slangekruid -zaden-
De bloemkroon kleurt van rood door naar paars en blauw. Houdt van een zonnige, droge niet te arme standplaats. Kiemt onregelmatig, over een lange periode en heeft behoefte aan een koude behandeling.
Eikenbladsla, Red salad bowl Lactuca sativa -zaden-
Oakleaf lettuce Red Salad Bowl is a slightly curled loose-leaf lettuce. It is suitable as a cut-and-come-again type. It is very vigorous and decorative. It has tender leaves with a sweet taste. The colder it gets, the redder the leads become....
Eschscholzia californica, Slaapmutsje, oranje -zaden-
Californian Poppy (orange) has finely incised grey-green leaves and gleaming orange single-petaled flowers. As each flower opens, it pushes its little 'sleeping cap' upward.
Fenegriek, Trigonella foenum-graecum -zaden-
Fenugreek is a leguminous plant whose seeds are used in chutney and are a component of curry. Fenugreek is also used in veterinary medicine. Sow outdoors in April.
IJsbergsla, Lactuca sativa 'Saladin' -zaden-
Iceberg lettuce 'Saladin' is not susceptible to bolting, but is less suitable for autumn cultivation. It can be grown as baby leaves. This iceberg lettuce forms medium sized heads with thick, crispy leaves.
Kiemgroente Alfalfa, Medicago sativa -zaden-
Alfalfa sprouts taste wonderful with cheese or used as a garnish. This sprout has a mild flavor and, using a special seed sprouter, can be eaten after just a week of growing. Like all sprouts, Alfalfa prefers a sunny spot.
Kiemgroente Basilicumkers, Ocimum basilicum -zaden-
Basil spouting seeds are easy to grow using a special seed sprouter. The sprouts are often used to make pesto, but also taste delicious in Mediterranean, Thai or Indonesian dishes.
Kiemgroente Groene erwt, Pisum sativum -zaden-
Green pea sprouting seeds make a super snack, but also taste great in salads or soups. These sprouts taste sweet. They can be harvested after about 2 weeks when the sprouts are 10-12 cm high. Green Peas vegetable sprouts have a sweet flavour and...
Kiemgroente Mosterdkers, Sinapis alba -zaden-
Mustard cress tastes lovely in sandwiches or with mashed potatoes or mustard soup. True to its name, this vitamin-rich sprout has a mustard flavor. Easy to grow using a special seed sprouter.
Kiemgroente Radijskers, Raphanus sativus 'Sango Purple' -zaden-
De stevige, volle kiemen van radijskers 'Sango Purple' zorgen voor een goede opbrengst. Deze kiemgroente heeft een mooie paarsrode kleur en smaakt lekker sappig. De zaden hoef je voor het kiemen niet voor te kweken.
Kiemgroente Taugé, Vigna radiata -zaden-
Mung Bean sprouts are a key ingredient in Asian stir-fries and spring rolls. Mung Bean sprouts are very healthy and easy to grow using a special seed sprouter.
Kiemgroente Tuinkers, Lepidium sativum -zaden-
Garden cress sprouting seeds contain mustard oil and taste delicious on bread or in salads. The young leaves and sprouts of this very popular vegetable are edible. Using a special seed sprouter is the best way to grow garden cress.
You grow the tastiest organic sprouts yourself with this handy sprout tray: quick, clean and simple. The sprouts are very healthy and tasty for on bread, in salads or as a garnish. The glass dish and removable grid are easy to use and suitable for...
Klimcourgette ‘Ola Escaladora’, Cucurbita pepo -zaden-
Climbing courgette ‘Ola Escaladora’ readily grows up netting or a fence. The long vines, which can reach anything up to 5 metres in length, need to be tied in at regular intervals so as to encourage the plant to grow upwards. This productive...
Knolselderij 'Balena F1' Apium graveaolens -zaden-
Celeriac ‘Balena F1’ has the reputation of being one of the best celeriac varieties on the market. It is ideal for growing in western European conditions. This celeriac has lovely firm, white flesh and skin with very few brown blemishes. The...
Knolvenkel, Foeniculum vulgare 'Perfection' -zaden-
Fennel 'Géant Mammouth Perfection' has big, round bulbs. For optimal growth, this plant needs good irrigation. Sow in April and plant out in May.
Koekruid, roze, Vaccaria hispanica -zaden-
The flowers of pink Cowherb appear after about two months. Cowherb is very easy to grow and has a strongly branched flowering habit. The short flowering period can be compensated for by staggered sowing.
Komkommer Cucumis sativus 'Marketmore' -zaden-
'Marketmore' is a cucumber with tasty fruits. It is a prickly variety. The fruits develop from the side shoots and grow to be about 20 cm long and 5 cm thick. Sow under glass at the end of April.
Komkommer, Cucumis sativus 'Improved Telegraph' -zaden-
The fruits of cucumber 'Telegraph Improved' develop from the side shoots. The plant needs support to produce good, straight fruits. 'Telegraph Improved' is an old English variety.
Komkommerkruid, Borago officinalis -zaden-
Borage leaves can be used in salads or stews. This annual herb is also known as starflower. It is an ideal plant to attract bees.
Koolrabi, Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes 'Delikatess blauwe' -zaden-
Kohlrabi Delicatesse Blue gives nice blue purple tubers with white fruit flesh. Kohlrabi is a fast growing crop with a lovely taste and can be eaten both cooked as raw (in crudités). Do not let the tubes become to old or too big before...
Koriander, Coriandrum sativum -zaden-
Coriander is an annual herb with a strong smell. Both the young leaves as the seeds can be used. The coriander seeds can be harvested when they turn brown, which happens usually around September. It is important to dry the seeds after they have...
Kropsla, Lactuca sativa 'Twellose Gele' -zaden-
This lettuce variety is a real butterhead from the early days a fast growing variety. It grows well during cold weather and has tender yellow-green crops. It is well suited for early cultivation. If you would like to harvest each week, you should...
Kropsla, Lactuca sativa 'Wonder der Vier Jaargetijden' -zaden-
Butterhead lettuce 'Marvel of Four Seasons' produces tender leaves and has an attractively shaped head. This variety performs reliably in spring, summer and autumn. It can also be cultivated as baby leaves.
Lathyrus odoratus -zaden-
Sweet pea is a climbing flower, which should be cultivated alongside a wire netting. The flowers, which smell delicious, have short stems and different colours. By picking and preventing the plant from producing seeds (in legumes), the plant will...
Lavatera trimestris Lavatera, grootbloemig -zaden-
Annual Mallow is a firm, branched plant, which is a member of the Malva family. The plant is covered with big (10 centimetres), pink, dark nerved flowers. The flowers can be used as cut flower and the plant is an excellent bee and butterfly plant.
Malva sylvestris Groot kaasjeskruid 'Mauritanica' -zaden-
Common Mallow 'Mauritanica' is a large, strongly branched plant that produces violet flowers. Its seeds resemble a cheese wheel. The flowers can be cut and also attract bees.
Matricaria chamonilla, Echte kamille -zaden-
Chamomile bears white flowers with a yellow center under which is a hollow space. This plant is used for medicinal purposes and for chamomile tea. Sow outdoors in September or early spring.
Meiraap Milanese witte roodkop, Brassica rapa var. majalis -zaden-
Turnip Milan White Red Top is an old vegetable with a beautiful bicoloured turnip that tastes very good when it’s still raw. Turnip can be sowed in spring as well as in autumn. Harvest the tubers when they are about 6-8 cm in diameter.
Mesclun Aziatisch -zaden-
Mesclun 'Asian Mix' is a delightful mixture of varieties that can be grown as 'baby leaf' vegetables: Pak Choi 'Taisai', Turnip 'Mizuna', Tatsoi and three Leaf Mustard varieties: 'Golden Frills', 'Purple Frills' and 'Red Giant'. This mixture has a...
Mesclun Puur sla -zaden-
Mesclun 'Salad Leaves' is a colourful blend of lettuce varieties: 'Red Salad Bowl, 'Suzan', Butterhead 'Marvel of Four Seasons' and 'Little Leprechaun'. This mix can be grown as a baby leaf vegetable from spring until well into late summer.
Nigella damascena, Juffertje in het groen -zaden-
Love-in-a-mist is has light blue and white flowers in a crown of delicate green. The decorative capsules appear after blossoming and are suited for drying. It can be used as a cut flower and is a good plant for bees and butterflies. The plants are...
Paksoi Taisai, Brassica rapa var. chinensis -zaden-
Pakchoi Taisai is a fast growing leaf vegetable from Eastern Asia with grey-green leaves like a loose rosette. Remarkable are its broad white leaf stems and white veins. Note that sowing in early spring increases the tendency for early bolting. It...
Papaver rhoeas Klaproos gemengd -zaden-
Mixed Poppy is a delightful mixture of poppies with a wide variety of red colours and shapes. The colours contain different shades of red, with or without white rim. There are both single as double flowers. Bumblebees visit the plants very often.
Papaver somniferum 'Black Paeony' -zaden-
Opium Poppy 'Black Paeony' is a sturdy grey-green plant with deep red-black, double-petaled flowers. After flowering, it produces beautiful seed pods that can be dried.
Papaver somniferum Blauwmaanzaad -zaden-
Opium Poppy (white) is a sturdy plant with grey-green foliage. Its white flowers with a lilac centre bloom for a remarkably short time and attract lots of bees. By late August, its decorative seed pots are suitable for drying.
Papaver somniferum, Slaapbol, rood -zaden-
The seed pods of the red Opium Poppy are suitable for drying at the end of August. Opium Poppy is a gray-green plant with red flowers that bloom briefly. One packet is for approximately 30m2, and the planting distance is 25x25 cm.
Paprika, Capsicum annuum 'Jubilandska' -zaden-
Jubilandska is a sweet pepper with oblong fruits. The young fruits are green, while maturing they become red. Jubilandska is a variety that does not become high, so there is no need to tie the plants placing a few (bamboo) sticks to prevent the...
Pastinaak, Pastinaca sativa subsp. sativa 'Tender and True' -zaden-
Parsnip Tender and True is easy to cultivate and can withstand quite a bit of frost. Parsnip look like winter carrots both in terms of size and appearance they are cream-white coloured and taste a bit less sweet than winter carrots. Take caution...
Peper Capsicum annuum 'Westlandse Lange Rode' -zaden-
Hot pepper Westland Long Red has relatively small hot fruits. The pepper is oblong and pointy shaped. The young fruits are green, while maturing they become red. The plants supply a lot of fruits that can be dried as well. The germination can take...
Peterselie, Petroselinum crispum 'Gewone Snij 3' -zaden-
Parsley Flat (common cut) is the standard variety for fresh use. Usually, this variety can be cut three times per season. Parsley is used in a lot of different dishes, such as soup and dishes with carrots.
Phacelia - Groenbemester, Phacelia tanacetifolia -zaden-
Phacelia is a beautiful plant loved by bees and is also very suited as green manure. Phacelia is neither family of the Brassicaceae nor family of the bean family and therefore very well suited in crop rotation. Phacelia freezes to death in winter.
Pluksla, Lactuca sativa ' Cocarde' -zaden-
The lettuce Cocarde, a cut-and-come-again type, has beautiful long, incised green leaves with a red-brown edge. Cocarde is an early and vigorous type, and is very tasty. In order to keep the tenderness, it is recommended to harvest regularly. It...
Pluksla, Lactuca sativa 'Black Seeded Simpson' -zaden-
The lettuce Black Seeded Simpson, a cut-and-come-again type, is a fast growing lettuce that does not form a crop. The leaves are yellow-green and they have a beautiful, somewhat ribbed leaf structure. Black Seeded Simpson has the shape of a cone...
Pompoen 'Fictor F1, Cucurbita maxima -zaden-
Dark orange/red winter squash with attractive, uniform fruits. ‘Fictor’ is a trailing ‘family intercross’ (FIC crossing result between two genera of different families) which is very much appreciated because of the size of its fruits, beautiful...
Pompoen 'Solor', Cucurbita maxima -zaden-
'Solor' is an early-flowering winter squash that weighs about 1.1 kg. This orange squash flowers on average 7-10 days earlier than variety 'Uchiki Kuri'.
Pompoen Cucurbita pepo 'Sweet Dumpling' -zaden-
Delicata squash 'Sweet Dumpling' has a delicious, sweet taste. The fruit is small and white with dark green stripes and deep ribs. Each fruit weighs about 300 grams.
Pompoen Tractor F1, Cucurbita maxima -zaden-
Winter squash 'Tractor F1' produces fruits with plenty of flesh that is easy to cut and de-seed. It is a highly productive variety that yields large, spherical, orange fruits.