
Common name: winter aconite. The name Eranthis was derived from the Greek words: er (spring) and anthos (flower). The underground parts are rather small, about the size of a pea and mostly irregular in shape; larger specimens resemble a wing nut. The leaves form a rosette lying on the ground, the upper leaves showing some resemblance to a collar, enclosing the flowers. The yellow flowers equipped with many stamens are located at the end of very short (about 5 cm) stems and, after some time, form a veritable carpet of flowers. After flowering, the star-shaped seed pods appear. When they burst open, the round seeds will provide many offspring.


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Eranthis cilicica
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1892. Origin: Turkey, where the original sites, despite the late 'discovery', have been al but cleared. The leaves are deeply incised and a slightly bronze green when they emerge. They bloom slightly later than E. hyemalis, but the golden...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Eranthis hyemalis
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1570. Grows wild in large parts of Europe and North America. Originally: Southern France, Italy, the former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria but also in northern Iraq and Afghanistan. The leaves are not as deeply incised as those of E. cilicica, the...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Eranthis hyemalis 'Orange Glow'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Already discovered in 1950 by Jens Ole Pederson, Denmark. Was then sent to the Botanical Garden of Gothenburg. Registered only in 1989 by Richard Blakeway-Philips. Winter aconite surprises us when its buds open to show their egg yolk yellow...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Eranthis hyemalis 'Schwefelglanz'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A highly distinctive Eranthis. This soft sulfur yellow aconite emerges from apricot-coloured flower buds. In 1985 discovered in the garden of Frau Ruth Treff Darmstadt, but introduced in 1997. Easy growing and fantastic company for the snowdrops.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Eranthis tubergenii 'Sachsengold'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
E. tubergenii originated from a cross of E. hyemalis x E. cilicica. The crossing work was done by Mr J.M.C. Hoog. 'Sachsengold' is a new selection introduced by J. Raschke, which originated from another selection 'Guinea Gold'. Large, deep golden...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024