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Cruydt-hoeck zaden

Cruydt-Hoeck Seeds

Cruydt-Hoeck Seeds

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Akkerbloemen - snelbloeiend en kleurrijk
Contains: Akkerleeuwenbek Misopates orontium - Bleke klaproos Papaver dubium - Bolderik Agrostemma githago - Echte kamille Matricaria chamomilla - Franse silene Silene gallica - Gele ganzenbloem Glebionis segetum - Grote klaproos Papaver rhoeas-...
Beemdkroon - Knautia arvensis
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Bijenweide - drachtplanten voor wilde bijen
Contains: Beemdkroon Knautia arvensis - Bermooievaarsbek Geranium pyrenaicum - Betonie Betonica officinalis - Blauwe knoop Succisa pratensis - Boerenwormkruid Tanacetum vulgare - Borstelkrans Clinopodium vulgare - Bosandoorn Stachys sylvatica -...
Bijenweide - voor tijdelijke invulling
Contains: Akkerleeuwenbek Misopates orontium - Akkervergeet-mij-nietje Myosotis arvensis - Akkerviooltje Viola arvensis - Dagkoekoeksbloem Silene dioica - Driekleurig viooltje Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor - Echt bitterkruid Picris hieracioides -...
Bloeiende voegen - voor open bestrating en stapstenen
Contains: Bleke klaproos Papaver dubium - Duizendblad Achillea millefolium - Gewone brunel Prunella vulgaris - Gewone reigersbek Erodium cicutarium - Gewone rolklaver Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus - Grasklokje Campanula rotundifolia - Grote...
Dagkoekoeksbloem - Silene dioica
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Echte kamille - Matricaria chamomilla
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Echte koekoeksbloem - Silene flos-cuculi
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Gewone margriet - Leucanthemum vulgare
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Gewone rolklaver - Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Grote kaardenbol - Dipsacus fullonum
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Grote klaproos - Papaver rhoeas
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Halfschaduwbloeiers - voor alle gronden
Contains: Berglook Allium carinatum - Bermooievaarsbek Geranium pyrenaicum - Borstelkrans Clinopodium vulgare - Bosaardbei Fragaria vesca - Bosandoorn Stachys sylvatica - Boslathyrus Lathyrus sylvestris - Bosvergeet-mij-nietje Myosotis sylvatica -...
Kartuizer anjer - Dianthus carthusianorum
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Korenbloem - Centaurea cyanus
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Nectar onder het maaimes - voor een bloemrijk gazon
Contains: Gewone brunel Prunella vulgaris - Gewone ereprijs Veronica chamaedrys - Gewone reigersbek Erodium cicutarium - Gewone rolklaver Lotus corniculatus var. corniculatus - Gewoon biggenkruid Hypochaeris radicata - Hopklaver Medicago lupulina...
Plukmengsel - inheemse bloemen op de vaas
Contains: Akkerklokje Campanula rapunculoides - Avondkoekoeksbloem Silene latifolia subsp. alba - Beemdkroon Knautia arvensis - Bevertjes Briza media - Blauwe knoop Succisa pratensis - Boerenwormkruid Tanacetum vulgare - Bolderik Agrostemma...
Ruig klokje - Campanula trachelium
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Slangenkruid - Echium vulgare
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Speelnatuur - ontdek samen de natuur
Contains: Beemdkroon Knautia arvensis - Blaassilene Silene vulgaris - Bosandoorn Stachys sylvatica - Dagkoekoeksbloem Silene dioica - Duizendblad Achillea millefolium - Echte kamille Matricaria chamomilla - Geel walstro Galium verum - Gele...
Uitbundige bloeiers - voor tijdelijke invulling
Contains: Bont kroonkruid Securigera varia - Bonte wikke Vicia villosa - Citroengele honingklaver Melilotus officinalis - Echte kamille Matricaria chamomilla - Gele ganzenbloem Glebionis segetum - Gele kamille Anthemis tinctoria - Gewone...
Vlasbekje - Linaria vulgaris
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Vlindertuin - nectar- en waardplanten voor vlinders
Contains: Akkerviooltje Viola arvensis - Avondkoekoeksbloem Silene latifolia subsp. alba - Beemdkroon Knautia arvensis - Bermooievaarsbek Geranium pyrenaicum - Betonie Betonica officinalis - Bieslook Allium schoenoprasum - Blauwe knoop Succisa...
Vogelpret - voor zadenetende vogels
Contains: Boerenwormkruid Tanacetum vulgare - Duizendblad Achillea millefolium - Gele morgenster Tragopogon pratensis - Gewone brunel Prunella vulgaris - Gewone klit Arctium minus - Gewone margriet Leucanthemum vulgare - Gewone rolklaver Lotus...
Wilde cichorei - Cichorium intybus
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Wilde marjolein - Origanum vulgare
NATIVE for more BIODIVERSITY. Cruydt-Hoeck seeds are wildflower seeds of regional origin. As a result, they perfectly match insects that occur naturally. Functions of native plants: Biodiversity restoration Base for a healthy food chain...
Wildebloemenweide - kleurrijk voor zand- en leemgronden
Contains: Akkerklokje Campanula rapunculoides - Beemdkroon Knautia arvensis - Beemdooievaarsbek Geranium pratense - Betonie Betonica officinalis - Bevertjes Briza media - Blaassilene Silene vulgaris - Duifkruid Scabiosa columbaria - Geel walstro...
Wildebloemenweide - voor klei- en leemgronden
Contains: Avondkoekoeksbloem Silene latifolia subsp. alba - Boerenwormkruid Tanacetum vulgare - Duizendblad Achillea millefolium - Fluitenkruid Anthriscus sylvestris - Gele morgenster Tragopogon pratensis subsp. pratensis - Gewone berenklauw...
Wildebloemenweide - voor natte grond
Contains: Echte koekoeksbloem Silene flos-cuculi - Echte valeriaan Valeriana officinalis - Gele lis Iris pseudacorus - Gevleugeld hertshooi Hypericum tetrapterum - Gewone brunel Prunella vulgaris - Gewone dotterbloem Caltha palustris subsp....
Wildebloemenweide - voor zandgrond
Contains: Dagkoekoeksbloem Silene dioica - Duizendblad Achillea millefolium - Gele morgenster Tragopogon pratensis subsp. pratensis - Gewone brunel Prunella vulgaris - Gewone margriet Leucanthemum vulgare - Gewone reigersbek Erodium cicutarium -...