
From Greek: ornis (bird) and gala (milk). The genus Ornithogalum consists of a group of bulbous plants that lend themselves to naturalising. The many species, as well as cultivars, are perfectly suitable as cut flowers. They are predominantly native to the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The bulbs are said to be quite nutritious and tasty, of course after being cooked.


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Ornithogalum -species Nova-
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Years ago, Václav Jošt collected a previously unknown Ornithogalum in Turkey. The plant develops to a height of 30 cm and the flower stem bears a screen of up to 40 white flowers. The flowers are green on the outside. The low-growing, grey-green...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ornithogalum balansae
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1884. Origin: northeast Turkey and the adjacent area of the former Soviet Union. Dutch name: broad-leaved birdseed. Flowers in February-March with short-stemmed, slightly conical flower clusters flanked by two to three bright green leaves...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ornithogalum fimbriatum
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A very early flowering species native to the Balkans, Greece and Turkey, growing on dry slopes. The white flowers with a green striped back, emerge from a rosette and stand on 10-15 cm high stalks in a dense cluster. The green narrow leaves are...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ornithogalum nutans
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1594. Dutch name: ‘knikkende vogelmelk’ (Drooping star of Bethlehem). Originally occurring in southern Europe and southwestern Asia, but now growing wild in many European countries. Prefers a shady and somewhat afforested area. The flower...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ornithogalum ponticum 'Sochi'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Collected in the late eighties in the woods in Sochi, near the Russian Black Sea, now by far the most popular resort in Russia. The tall, pyramidal growing, dense inflorescence consists of large pure white flowers. This plant is not only perfect...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ornithogalum reverchonii
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Native to southwestern Spain and Morocco, where this Star-of-Bethlehem grows in crevices in the limestone rocks. A graceful species with up to 20 pure white, hanging, two centimeter wide bell-shaped flowers. Strong cut flower.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ornithogalum umbellatum
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1594. Star-of-Bethlehem, locally: 'booger'. Origin: large parts of Europe, North Africa, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Israel. The linear, grooved and half-upright green leaves have a distinct white stripe. The umbel is composed of about...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024