
I. uniflorum was introduced as early as 1832. Origin: Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Peru where they occur in large numbers in meadows and grasslands as well as rocky terrains. They prefer to thrive in full sun. The finely rubbed leaves have a slight onion scent, the flowers smell like soap. Because of this onion scent, Ipheion is also used between rose bushes against rose nematode. Very suitable for naturalising.


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Ipheion uniflorum 'Alberto Castillo'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Attractive sea-green leaves with large, outward-facing, fragrant, spotless white flowers. An excellent selection from an Argentinian wild collection.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ipheion uniflorum 'Charlotte Bishop'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
A selection of recent origin, 2003. The first pink-flowering ipheion, from Washfield Nurseries, found in seedlings of I. uniflorum 'Wisley Blue'. Soft pink, fragrant flowers with a dark vein on each petal. Good growing.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ipheion uniflorum 'Jessie'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
An Ipheion with dark blue flowers selected from Ipheion uniflorum 'Rolf Fiedler. Was registered in 2003 and has proven itself as an excellent flowering pot plant. Good for naturalising.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ipheion uniflorum 'Rolf Fiedler'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Large amounts of bright blue flowers, with clearly contrasting stamens and a sweet, mild fragrance. Interestingly, the shape of the flower can vary. A good selection that naturalises well.
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Ipheion uniflorum 'Tessa'
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
I. uniflorum was introduced in 1832. Origin: Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Peru, where they occur in large numbers in meadows and grasslands as well as on rocky terrains. They thrive in full sun. Crushed leaves have a mild onion flavor,...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Nothoscordum dialystemon
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024
Intro: 1981. Collected by Dr Rolf Fiedler as Beauverdia sellowiana in Patagonia, Argentina. In its native habitat, Nothoscordum grows in full sun on powdery sandy soil. Was presented at the Royal Hortical Society in London in 1984 as: Ipheion...
. Delivery planting time sept-nov. 2024